ইছামতি গ্রুপ দেশের অন্যতম শীর্ষস্থানীয় শিল্প ও বাণিজ্যিক প্রতিষ্ঠান
ICHAMOTI group bdICHAMOTI group bdICHAMOTI group bd
+974 3157 4122
Chittagong Office: 3/2 Muradpur, Chittagong-4310
ICHAMOTI group bdICHAMOTI group bdICHAMOTI group bd

ichamoti Garments Ltd.

ichamoti Garments Established in 2024

ichamoti Garments, our expertise lies in creating exquisite fashion-forward ladies wear. Our organization consists of a corporate office and two garment factories, all of which are qualified to produce export-standard men’s and ladies’ clothing. The majority of brands we collaborate with are reputable European and North American brands. Rest assured, all products we ship bear the hallmark of quality worthy of your brand’s name.

Fluent in English, our office staff adeptly manages material supply and order planning for our valued clients. To give you a glimpse of our setup, the gallery below showcases images of our office and the different departments in our factories, encompassing cutting, manufacturing, and finishing stages. Conveniently situated at the Penglong Business Building in Gongshu, a former manufacturing zone transformed into a bustling business district, we welcome you to visit our office, showroom, and factory, with easy arrangements for pick-up.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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